Forest Adventures

Forest Adventures

In the Forest Adventure Club, children learn to solve problems, make their own decisions and take acceptable risks through a range of fun and challenging outdoor activities. Sessions offer children the opportunity to understand boundaries (both physical and social) use tools appropriately and enjoy the time to explore their environment and learn about nature. Activities are designed to stimulate their imagination, giving them experiences and skills, they can transfer into all aspects of life. Being outside and moving around is good for children of all ages. It’s what they’re designed to do!

During the Forest Adventure Club children will take part in activities like sensory walks, shelter building, mini beast hunts, tree climbing, campfire cooking, woodwork, nature art, games like hide and seek and fire building.

Forest adventures takes place in all weather except high wind or electric storms. Please provide appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.

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  • Language: English
  • Tuesday, 4 – 5pm
  • Level: Kindergarten – Grade 4
  • Price: 35 CHF / lesson
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