
A continued, effective education can be achieved by fostering a lifelong love of learning and a great way of achieving this is by creating excitement and passion for education which I experience and model in class. Learners have an innate sense of curiosity born from inquiring minds, which drives them forward on a quest to understand the world around them. This approach is perfect for developing a forward-thinking, future-proof mindset.

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Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

 -William Butler Yeats

As a teacher, I aim to create a caring, open, purposeful environment where students can feel safe to take risks and flourish. It is a place where students (and I) can learn together. Communication is key and there are clear expectations, objectives, and goals which are challenging, but with some work, achievable. I believe learning should be balanced, have direction and be fun.

The gardener does not make a plant grow. The job of a gardener is to create optimal conditions.

-Sir Ken Robinson