OBS Babycare

Learning through play

In our Babycare group, the daily routine is customised to suit each baby’s unique needs, recognising that eating and sleeping patterns vary, particularly among the youngest infants. At OBS, we prioritise maintaining familiar routines and cherished rituals throughout childcare hours. Our day begins with a collective morning singing circle, followed by several outdoor activities. Furthermore, we foster creative expression and experimentation with various materials and colours from an early age, nurturing your children’s development.

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Geraldine Gautschi

“School must be student-centred even for the youngest children in order to promote the joy of learning at an early age”

Rebecca Albrecht, Schulleitung Babycare & Vorkindergarten

“Accompanying the children and seeing their development is the best thing about this work”

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Bilingual – right from the start

We employ proficient and experienced educators fluent in both German and English. Even in our babycare groups, we ensure an equal balance of German and English communication with the children, fostering an environment conducive to genuine bilingualism.

More about bilingualism

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  • Children from 3 to 24 months
  • Small group with up to 8 children
  • Supervision by 3 teachers, including trainees
  • Bilingual right from the start
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Further school levels